The roles and responsibilities of board members can often times become confusing and leave your board operating inefficiently and ineffectively. Whether you are wasting time or lacking the ability to understand the big picture, we offer a training as well as help with board governance to ensure your credit union operates with the right balance of oversight. 

Three options for better board governance:
1. On-site consulting and training
2. Workshops
3. Webinars

Training Topics Include:
Board Governance
Roles and Responsibilities of The Board
Financial Literacy Required Training
CAMEL Ratings and Your Concerns
BSA/OFAC Required Annual Trainings



"The CU Innovate consulting team has helped us increase our ROA almost .50 and quadrupled our earning. I saw a huge immediate impact on our bottom line and we are competing at the same level as our peers. ”

— Linda at
SOO COOP Credit Union

Thank you isn't enough!

“This group is extremely knowledgeable and I can truly say that they care about our credit union and helping us not only perform well but exceed our expectations. Thank you isn't enough”

— Linda Hughey at
Harbor Light Credit Union.

Profitability made easy!

“We have struggled for years to make changes and keep up with our industry. Our size has made it difficult to compete with other credit unions but CU Innovate made it easy. This is truly a no brainer.”

— Janet Thompson at
Village Community Credit Union


Impact Statements